CONCERNS have been raised over parking outside a building site in a Herefordshire street.

June's meeting of Wigmore Group Parish Council heard from Councillor Dave Jones that he had spoken to the developer responsible for a building project on land north of Bury Court in Wigmore's Ford Street about contractor vehicles being parked on the road.


Coun Jones said this was a temporary issue until the ground to the rear of the development is landscaped, but may be ongoing if residents also park there. 

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The minutes said the concern would be brought up at a meeting with Ian Connolly of the Safer Roads Partnership.

According to the planning application for the site, where Herefordshire Council granted permission for five houses to be built, it was previously used for the storage of agricultural machinery. 

Outline permission for the erection of the homes and  new access was granted in September 2020, with a reserved matters application approved in 2022.