MAJOR works in a Herefordshire town have been branded a "temporary headache" by one councillor.

Improvement works have shut down Leominster’s Corn Square and High Street for a number of weeks, restricting access to roads and reducing the number of parking spaces in the town.

In recently published Leominster Town Council minutes, it was revealed that councillor Jenny Bartlett had spoken about the issue as part of her Leominster East Ward report.


“After another fantastic May Fair in the town at the beginning of May it is great to see that the public realm works are finally completing,” she said.

“There are still a few teething issues with making signage to the temporary location of the Markets in Etnam Street car park and to businesses open as usual on School Lane.

“Hopefully we can get some more up on the safety fencing around the compound in the Square and people will get used to navigating the town as works proceed.

“Major works do cause a temporary headache for local businesses but I am confident the works will make the town more attractive and safer once complete.

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“These street works will be the culmination of four years of projects delivered through the Historic High Street Action Zone, with £3.4m overall funding split between the Government and Herefordshire Council funding pots.

“The Government grant paid for the buildings, conservation area appraisal, town projects and Cultural Consortium.

“Herefordshire Council contributed over a million pounds of the total to complete the High Street, Victoria Street, Corn Street, Corn Square and Iron Cross South Street junction public realm works.

“It is such a shame that we lost a year through the Covid lockdown in 2020, just when the projects were all starting to pick up momentum.”