'I DON'T believe it'- that was the bewildered reaction of commuters after temporary traffic lights that have caused chaos for 13 months were removed. 

Temporary two-way traffic lights and cones on the A449 Wells Road near the British Camp Car Park have been causing delays for 13 months, hitting drivers travelling from Malvern to Ledbury. 

This week, a spokesperson for Worcestershire County Council confirmed the road had now been re-opened after a temporary walkway was installed over the voided section of footway.  

But Edd Hogan from Ledbury, who regularly travels between the two towns, said he feels this solution could have been implemented 13 months ago. 

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Mr Hogan said: "What's happened is the edge of the pavement has subsided and to resolve this needs proper planning, but instead what Worcestershire County Council has done has taken 13 months of hiring cones and traffic lights. 

"It’s really sad as that part of the Malvern Hills attracts a lot of tourists."

The authority added that details of any further investigations into the need for potential future works would be shared in due course.

But Mr Hogan said the situation didn't require further investigation as the council knew what was needed. 

The restrictions have been in place since May 12, 2023, and were originally set to be removed at the end of November- but last month marked a year since they were first installed. 

This is in addition to the cones and barriers in place a little further down the hill on the A449 and also on the upper part of Kings Road, Upper Welland, where it meets the A449.

Worcestershire County Council said investigations into the repairs had proved more complex than initially thought.

Earlier this week, after seeing the lights had been removed, jubilant commuters took to social media to express their delight. 

One person posted on the Malvern Hills Display Board Facebook page: "The historic traffic lights have gone- or was it all a dream?"

Another said they 'nearly fainted' when they saw staff working on the road. 

And one relieved commuter said she 'couldn't believe' the traffic lights had been removed and added her journey would now be less stressful.