A KNIFEMAN from Herefordshire who damaged a police van has appeared in court.

Ashley White was remanded on unconditional bail after his appearance at Hereford Magistrates’ Court on June 12. He entered guilty pleas to one count of criminal damage to property valued under £5,000 and one count of possessing a knife blade in a public place.

The 33-year-old of West Street, Leominster, who was said have been “reckless” as to whether the police van was damaged or destroyed when he committed the offence on January 16, will appear in court again on July 2 for sentencing.


White, represented at the hearing by Chris Read, also admitted bringing a Stanley knife into Hereford’s Asda supermarket on the same date.

A pre-sentencing report will be prepared by the probation service ahead of his next court appearance.

Beth Owen, prosecuting, did not specify what kind of damage or the extent of the damage to the police van. She did say that White had no lawful excuse to be carrying a knife in Asda.