A MUM from Hereford who had cannabis in her system has been handed a driving ban.

Elsie Thomas, 27, of Crossfields, was caught drug-driving in the city’s Mortimer Road while behind the wheel of an Audi A3.

The single mum, who had been using cannabis, tested over the limit with a reading of 2.5 microgrammes of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, a psychoactive ingredient present in cannabis, in her blood when the limit is two.

At Hereford Magistrates’ Court earlier this month, Thomas admitted to drug-driving and was banned from the roads for a year.

She was also fined £80 and ordered to pay £85 in costs and a £32 victim surcharge.


The court heard she was caught on November 28 last year while driving along Mortimer Road, Hereford.

Chris Read, mitigating, said: “She didn’t realise the amount of time the drugs would stay in her system.”

He added that she had informed her part-time employer and would be able to carry on working.