A DRINK-DRIVER who was caught behind the wheel of a Mercedes while intoxicated has said he is “disgusted at himself”.

Rokas Bielskis, aged 40, of Ferndale Road, Hereford, refused to provide a breath sample for police after they stopped him in Whitecross Road and noticed he was drunk.

The self-employed farm worker was driving a Mercedes when he was caught, according to prosecutor Beth Owen. But after being taken into police custody, he told officers there was “no chance” of him giving a breath sample and answered “no comment” in interviews.

Mitigating, defence solicitor Chris Read said “His refusal was more in disgust at himself than anything else”.

Bielskis pleaded guilty to the offence of failing to provide a specimen for analysis as a vehicle driver. He also admitted drinking before getting behind the wheel.


Bielskis was disqualified from driving for 30 months by Hereford magistrates during his hearing earlier this month.

He was handed an 18-month community order including 60 days of alcohol abstinence, 180 hours of unpaid work and 15 days of rehabilitation activities focusing on relapse prevention skills.

He was ordered to pay court costs of £85 and a victim surcharge of £114.

Bielskis has the opportunity to reduce his ban by 30 weeks by completing a drink-drive awareness course.