AN ASYLUM seeker injured two people in an attack in Hereford, with the court saying he wasn’t the one who started the fight.

The asylum seeker, a teenager whose nationality was not given in court documents, admitted attacking two people in Hereford, with one of them suffering actual bodily harm.

Lauren Millichip, prosecuting, said the teenager assaulted two males on December 22.

But Hereford magistrates acknowledged at the hearing earlier this month that “the two injured parties initiated the incident and without their involvement it wouldn’t have happened”.

“However,” they said, “the defendant overreacted in his response”.

The teenager is currently in foster care, with a social worker appearing in court to represent Herefordshire Council.


He was said to have no income and no means as an asylum seeker. He was not ordered to pay any compensation or costs. The council will have to pay a £26 victim surcharge to the court on the defendant’s behalf.

The defendant cannot be named for legal reasons as he is under the age of 18.

He was referred to a youth offender panel, with his guardian being required to attend meetings with him for six months.