Young people in Herefordshire can get a head start with driving on a day devoted to practical driving, road safety, first aid and car maintenance workshops.

From July 23-26 at Herefordshire, Ludlow & North Shropshire College, ELY Memorial Fund are hosting the Young Drivers Experience for 14–17-year-olds. The experience will give young drivers the opportunity to drive a car with instructors from ‘Go Driving’ around a controlled course laid out at the rear of the College.

ELY host the fantastic, fun and educational days ELY host the fantastic, fun and educational days (Image: Ely Memorial Fund)

The day comprises of two hours of driving, educational workshops and complementary refreshments are included, with prices of only £25pp, per day (plus booking fee). To book, please visit

The police also do a demonstration on drug/drink driving and its effectsThe police also do a demonstration on drug/drink driving and its effects (Image: ELY Memorial Fund)

The driving day’s organising charity, ELY, was set up in memory of Emma Louise Young (E.L.Y.), who tragically lost her life in a road traffic collision at just 23. In ELY’s educational experience days, the charity hopes the participants can learn to be safer on the road in a fun environment and reduce the number of families that have to deal with the hurt of losing their child in a car accident.