A retired Hereford couple say they have been left to sort out a problem with rats after the company which manages the property offered little help.

“Fortunately we haven’t had them in the house,” according to David Hibberd who lives with wife Pauline in Penhaligon Way in the city.

“But it’s getting worse. We hear them outside and in the pipes at night, neighbours have seen them in their gardens, and you can see where they’ve been under the shed.”


He said he was told by Connexus, which manages the county’s formerly council-owned housing stock, that he would have to sort the problem himself.

Pest control contractors then told him the job would cost £1,200.

Connexus then offered to sort out a contractor to deal with the rats, he said. But as of Tuesday this week (June 25), he is still awaiting confirmation of this.

Pauline and David Hibberd are frustrated at the slow pace of dealing with their rat problem Pauline and David Hibberd are frustrated at the slow pace of dealing with their rat problem (Image: Rob Davies)

“I’m getting a bit cheesed off to be honest,” he said. “My neighbour has had no answer either.”

Connexus’ head of communities Gary Darlington said: “Earlier this week we received a report there was evidence of rats under a shed at a property in Hereford.

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“We have visited and spoken to our customer about the situation. Pests are usually something that is a tenant’s responsibility, but we recognise that sudden and unplanned costs like this can be worrying.

“We'll work with the customer to help them find a solution and will share details of a more affordable pest controller.

“We’re also going to visit again to see if there are any additional measures that can be taken to avoid problems with rodents in the future.”