SIGNS have been put up in a Herefordshire town in a bid to entice shoppers in amid ongoing roadworks.

For almost two months, improvement works have closed the High Street and the Corn Square in Leominster, restricting access to shops, shutting down roads, diminishing parking places and lowering the visual appeal of the town.

Businesses in the town are taking measures to encourage customers into the town, despite the difficulties presented by the works.

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Businesses in the town's Buttercross, which opens out directly onto the roadworks, have erected a sign which reads ‘arcade shops open as normal during roadworks’ in the hopes of luring shoppers in.

The controversial works, which have sparked calls from locals and others, including parliamentary candidate Sir Bill Wiggin, for measures such as free parking to be introduced to encourage shoppers in,  began on May 7, with road and pavement surfaces being removed and pedestrian safety railings installed.

Despite efforts to survey the drainage during the design stage, unexpected repairs and improvements to the drainage installations have been found to be needed, causing delays and further causing issues for locals and businesses as well as the many stallholders who visit for the weekly market which was previously held in the Corn Square but has since moved to a town car park.