A HEREFORDSHIRE drink-driver has been sentenced and must attend rehabilitation for alcohol problems.

On November 13 last year, Lea Donaldson, 38, was said by prosecutor Camila Toscano to have been drink-driving when he was caught in Hereford’s Hunderton Road.

Donaldson pleaded guilty to one count of driving a motor vehicle with an alcohol level above the limit.

He was given a blood test and found to have 213 milligrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood. The limit is 80.


Donaldson, of the Leys, Cradley, appeared at Hereford Magistrates’ Court on June 26 where he was handed a community order for alcohol treatment.

The order will mean he has to comply with the instructions of a responsible probation officer for a maximum of 20 days as well as attending a six-month alcohol programme run by Turning Point in Hereford.

He was ordered to pay a £50 fine, £85 prosecution costs and a £114 victim surcharge. He was also banned from driving for 24 months.