A DRIVER has been banned and ordered to pay hundreds after she was caught drink-driving in Hereford and was involved in a crash.

Rosie Stezaker pleaded guilty to one count of driving a motor vehicle while over the alcohol limit, one count of failing to stop after a road accident and one count of failing to report that road accident.

The court heard the 23-year-old had been caught over the alcohol limit when she was driving a Seat Ibiza in Gaol Street in Hereford on April 20.

She had also been involved in a crash with a Volkswagen Polo, which she failed to stop at and failed to report to police.

When she was breathalysed, she had 43 microgrammes of alcohol per 100 millilitres of breath. The limit is 35.

Stezaker, of Ingestre Street, Hereford, was fined £586 and disqualified from driving for 14 months at her sentencing in Hereford on June 26.


She was ordered to pay prosecution costs of £85 and a £234 victim surcharge was also ordered to be paid.

No separate penalty was given for the offences of failing to stop and failing to report the crash.

Stezaker can reduce her driving ban by 14 weeks if she completes a drink-driving awareness course by March 19 next year.