CORN Square mayhem? Does no one do a quick survey before they come up with these scatty ideas (Letters, June 13)?

We already have four businesses in Corn Square putting out tables and chairs.

Just a mini hop, skip and jump away, presto! We have a beautiful verdant great public area, The Grange, which also has a delightful cafe.

What are your thoughts?

You can send a letter to the editor to have your say by clicking here.

Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

Don’t forget the antique shop also has a lovely courtyard outdoor eatery as well as Broad Street! Plenty other open spaces here and elsewhere for outdoor entertainment, but a few regular buskers?

Why would one want to damage the businesses we already have and drive away people spending money because of the mess and mayhem?

Methinks this has just been yet another costly mistake ?

