A RESPONSE from the King has left residents at one Herefordshire care home amazed.

Holmer Manor Care Home sent a get well soon letter to King Charles after hearing of his illness when he was diagnosed with cancer earlier this year.

Manager Kirsty Jones said the letter had come about during one of the home residents' monthly meetings. During these sessions, the extremely active residents discuss with their activity’s organiser, Shirean Pettifer, what activities they would like to do in the coming weeks.

And when the news emerged that King Charles had been taken ill and was in hospital, sending a get well soon card was top of the list.

Kirsty Jones (front) with members of the Holmer Manor communityKirsty Jones (front) with members of the Holmer Manor community. (Image: Rob Davies)

With that decided, Ms Pettifer put together a letter including the resident’s best wishes, sent it, and thought nothing more of it... until a surprise response came in the post on the king's birthday!

Both the staff, including the home’s owner Geoff Butcher, and the residents were absolutely thrilled to receive a grateful letter, signed by King Charles himself. The letter has since been framed and spends time in a different resident’s room every night so that everyone can enjoy looking at it, said Ms Jones.

And it is not just writing letters to royalty that keeps residents at the home busy, with many planned activities each week, including recently going swimming in Leominster, and running a fun carwash to raise money.

The next activity on the calendar is a family day by the river, where a game of rounders and a picnic will be enjoyed.

Resident Angela Breeze's granddaughter said there “wasn’t a place she would rather her lovely nan be” than in the loving care provided at Holmer Manor Care Home.