A Herefordshire scout has done herself and her scout group proud by winning the highest achievement any scout can aspire to.

On Saturday, June 15, young scout leader Billie Bantham-Jones of 1st Holmer Scout Group was given her King Scout Award, making her the youngest person in Herefordshire to achieve this at just 17 years old.

A 1st Holmer spokesperson said the group's leaders are all extremely proud of Billie.

Billie's scout leaders are so proud of her.Billie's scout leaders are so proud of her achievement.  (Image: Holmer 1st Scout Group)

Part of the process for this achievement included requirements linked to international, community and values being completed, as well as gaining her Duke of Edinburgh Gold award.

For DofE, Billie had to have a minimum of 18 nights away after her 16th birthday, including the 25th world jamboree. The 2023 worldwide scout event, hosted in South Korea, saw about 43,000 participants attend from 158 countries says its Wikipedia page.

Billie said she “was so pleased” to become a king scout.

“It was my scouting dream,” she said.