WE are used to blaming MPs for the mess we are in and forget the power of their democratic mandate.

Before the 2008 Banking Crisis, the largest ever Government bailout was driven by one MP.

He caused the Government of his day to pay out the equivalent of £16.5 billion to put right a terrible wrong. His story reminds us of the power of principle in politics.

The bail-out’s creator began life as an MP indulging in scandalous living. Just like many of his peers, he was as a well-educated, well-connected, ‘political cartoon character’.

Then he read a book. Travelling Europe, he debated the book’s message with a friend. His life changed and his world turned upside down. He became an ‘influencer’ and set out to transform the global economy.

Today, many would label him ‘woke’ - yet he would see pulling down statues as against ‘good manners’ – something he campaigned for vigorously.

He was not without controversy. Political parties feared his humble, eloquent, independent voice. He spoke fearlessly against the greed of vested interests.

When half the population were church goers, he confronted religious hypocrisy. His only book argued for a return to ‘Real Christianity’ – a total faith in Jesus’ Love, Forgiveness and Resurrection. He wanted people to embrace the life-changing faith that made him a life-long campaigner for voiceless victims.

After 47 years campaigning, on his deathbed, he heard Parliament had abolished slavery.

Government sanctioned a bail-out to compensate slave-owners so millions could be freed. A very messy, shameful and damaging norm was ended. The world changed.


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Perhaps his story can inspire a return to more principled politics. It’s easy to see the mess we are in. It’s less easy to confront our modern day, messy, shameful and damaging norms.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.