A TRUCK driver has been fined in court after running a red light in Hereford.

Kevin Mark Hammett was proven guilty through single justice procedure of one count of driving on a road other than a motorway and failing to comply with red light signals.

He was convicted by magistrates in Worcester on June 27.

This is an offence under the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988.

The court heard the 64-year-old was caught failing to comply with a red light in Ledbury Road in Hereford on December 1 last year by West Mercia Police while he was driving a Mitsubishi L200.

The traffic signal was lawfully placed in Ledbury Road.


Hammett, of Welland Court Lane, Upton-upon-Severn, was fined £220 and received three penalty points. He must also pay costs of £90 and an £88 victim surcharge.

He must pay the total £398 balance by July 25.

The hearing was conducted via single justice procedure, and the defendant was not present when the case was heard at Worcester Magistrates’ Court.