I write to congratulate my Hereford & South Herefordshire constituency MP, Jesse Norman, although, unlike 14,781 others, I didn’t vote for him.

I look forward to further inbox communication with him in future, as I have always found him civil even when our viewpoints differ, which is most of the time; and I suppose that it was his speciality as a classicist that led him to commend me in a recent one-to-one before a hustings, for the quality of my letters to Hereford Times.

He has emphasised positive campaigning backed up by working co-operatively even with the 2019-2023 coalition council to get the most funding for Herefordshire under his own national government’s rules, rather than ever slagging off that coalition.


Hereford Times has previously reported that he had supported individual constituents upon request against their personal independence payment injustice.

“A good constituency MP.”

He has also stood out in opposing the Rwanda Bill and previously calling on his old school friend Boris Johnson to stand down from the premiership.

Of Jesse’s exiting North Herefordshire former party compatriot, a Herefordshire charity worker told me shortly before she left that charity to work for a new Rotherwas-based industrial company, “He never replies to any of our letters.”

What are your thoughts?

You can send a letter to the editor to have your say by clicking here.

Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

While HT website reports on ‘How the Tories lost “safe” Herefordshire seat’, I believe that that ex-charity worker’s remark highlights how come the Green Party of England and Wales came to target the North Herefordshire seat as one of their ‘target to win’ seats, along with the fact that the Green Party candidate had a proven track record in local politics, including having been a Member of the European Parliament, elected on a regional proportional representation list.

And Labour leader Stalling Starmer’s delay in ratifying his party’s candidates in Herefordshire’s “not a battlefield” constituencies put paid to their chances.

