THERE were two reported sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) in Herefordshire last year.

Data from UFO Identified reveals that two UFOs were spotted in the county in 2023.

The first sighting took place on August 3 at 2am in Kington, when an observer spotted a UFO while out on a walk.

The sighting was described as three lights high up in the sky that came closer and became more visible as a black triangle hovered in the sky before it suddenly disappeared.

The observer reported: "I went out for a walk. I looked up and the sky was very cloudy but I spotted three lights high up in the sky. It came closer and closer and was just hovering in the sky. It looked like a black triangle. I kept staring, then all of a sudden it just disappeared."

They said they did not capture an image of the UFO due to poor camera quality.

A month later, on September 10 at 9pm, someone in Leominster saw a "star moving unnaturally, rotated and then vanished", which they speculated was a "craft".

Shortly after, they saw it reappear and said it looked like it "was harnessing the electrical storm".

This UFO was reported by two observers, and pictures of it can be viewed here.


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A police spokesperson said these incidents had not been reported to West Mercia Police and commented: "UFOs are not a police matter."

If you have seen a UFO in Herefordshire, contact