POLICE presence has increased in a Herefordshire town after people raised concerns about crime.

West Mercia Police have said that concerns have been reported about crime and anti-social behaviour in Ross-on-Wye, specifically the Old Market Close area.


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Inspector James Ashton, who leads the safer neighbourhood team in Ross-on-Wye, said: “We’re aware of community concerns around crime and anti-social behaviour in the Old Market Close area of the town.

“Over the last 12 months we’ve been engaging with the local community, as well as partners such as the local authority and housing and healthcare providers, to understand and address the issues raised.

“Old Market Close is an area of particular focus for the safer neighbourhood team and officers carry out regular patrols.

“A new officer, PC Kift, has recently joined the team, with more officers due to start work in the area later this summer as part of our increased efforts to tackle crime in the town centre.

“As always, I would continue to encourage the public to report any crimes to us. If we don’t know about them then we’re not able to take action. Our officers are also always happy to chat about any concerns you may have so please don’t hesitate to speak to us.

“You can also keep up to date with the work the local policing team are doing, as well as contact them directly, by signing up to our free community messaging service, Neighbourhood Matters.

Old Market Close is an area of Ross-on-Wye that is known to be a target for crime, with at least 30 reported offences in the estate so far in 2024.