A HEREFORDSHIRE man who was caught when drunk and disorderly in a Herefordshire supermarket car park has pleaded guilty.

Brett Parker appeared before magistrates in Hereford for sentencing earlier this month after admitting one count of being drunk and disorderly in a public place, namely a supermarket car park in Ross-on-Wye.

Being drunk and disorderly in a public place is an offence under section nine of the Criminal Justice Act 1967.

The court heard from prosecutor Lauren Millichip that the 32-year-old was drunk and disorderly in Ross-on-Wye’s Morrisons car park on May 14.


The Morrisons supermarket is in the town’s Station Street.

Magistrates took his guilty plea into account and handed Parker a six-month community order. He was not ordered to pay costs due to “very limited means” but was told to pay a £26 victim surcharge.

Parker, of Springfield Road, Ross-on-Wye, must pay the £26 victim surcharge by August 19.