A DRINK-DRIVER has been banned and ordered to pay hundreds after he was caught out at a Herefordshire garage.

Morgan King pleaded guilty to one count of driving a vehicle while above the alcohol limit.

The court heard that the 22-year-old had been caught out behind the wheel of a Hyundai car at Wilton garage in Ross-on-Wye on May 11.

He had 58 microgrammes of alcohol per 100 millilitres of breath. The limit is 35.

King, of Glebe Close, Newent, Gloucestershire, was fined £369 and disqualified from driving for 16 months at his sentencing in Hereford on July 10.


He was ordered to pay prosecution costs of £85 and a victim surcharge of £148.

He must pay his final balance to the court by October 9.

King has the opportunity to reduce his driving ban by 16 weeks if he completes a drink-drive awareness course by May 20 next year.