A DRUG-DRIVER from Herefordshire has been handed a ban and a fine after he was caught while almost five times the limit.

Jordan Warner entered a guilty plea to one count of driving a motor vehicle with a proportion of a specified controlled drug above the specified limit.

The court heard from prosecutor Lauren Millichip that the 26-year-old had been caught behind the wheel of a Renault Clio in Woofferton, Shropshire, while over the drug-drive limit on January 10.

An evidential blood test revealed he had 9.8 microgrammes (mg) of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol per litre of blood. This exceeded the legal limit for the drug, which is two mg.


Warner, of Croft Lane Caravan Park, Luston, was fined £120 and disqualified from driving for three years by magistrates.

He must also pay prosecution costs of £85.

His guilty plea was taken into account by magistrates when they came to their decision on a penalty.