A Herefordshire primary school's pupils, teachers and parents took to their mountain bikes for a school trip that truly reached new heights.

On Friday, June 28, 19 children from Michaelchurch Escley Primary and Pre-School and eight supporting adults, including the headteacher, school business manager and parents, set off on a fantastic cycling journey, sure to create wonderful memories for the pupils that took part.

The terrain was rough, but the pupils enjoyed the challenge!The terrain was rough, but everyone enjoyed the challenge! (Image: Michaelchurch Escley Primary)


Their cycle took the group well and truly off-road, over the very hilly terrain of the mountains to Hay-on-Wye. The 18.5km trip, led by deputy head teacher and qualified mountain bike guide Gary Crocker, might have been challenging, but the children, aged between seven and eleven years old, were more than up to the task.

The pupils had an ice cream to look forward to when arriving at Hay on Wye.The pupils had an ice cream to look forward to when arriving at Hay on Wye. (Image: Michaelchurch Escley Primary)

After a cake and squash stop at Craswall’s the Bull's Head, the riders headed into the mountains, stopping for lunch by a mountain stream. After that, it was (literally) all downhill to the final destination where parents, family members and a delicious ice-cream from Shepherds Ice Cream Parlour were awaiting them, spurring the team on from the very start.