EVER wondered what the High Sheriff does? Here, we take a look at her diary for May to find out.

May 5:

A glimpse at the military history of Hereford Light Infantry, and Suvla Barracks with Col. Andy Taylor. Open for viewing by appointment.

May 3:

A second meeting with the head of Children Heard and Seen, Sarah Burrows. An important initiative to support children who have parents in prison.

May 5:

A beautiful hedgerow service in the grounds of Snodhill Castle, led by the Rev Simon Lockett.

May 7:

Hereford’s historic Mayfair opening!

May 9:

Initial meeting with Annie Fisher and Milly Boylan at The Hub, Ross.

May 10:

A moving memorial service at the cathedral for Dr Richard Miller, founder of our invaluable St Michael’s Hospice.

May 12:

Brockhampton CC played Marylebone CC! Presenting caps, ties and awards to players on a very hot but successful day. Followed by a trip to Holy Trinity to attend St John’s Ambulance thanksgiving service.

May 14:

Tea with cathedral precentor, Andrew Piper. A peaceful hour.

May 15:

Magistrates court to witness a sample of cases being heard.

May 16:

Morning at Megan Baker House, Ledbury, then Kings Award for Enterprise at The Shell Store, won by S&A Davies.

May 17:

Open Arms, Kington. An energetic project offering further support for those needing it.

May 19:

New scout district HQ opening. Many thanks to the Brailsford family Trust for their generosity.

May 21:

Meeting with police relief inspector Chris Watson, followed by mayor making installation at the Town Hall.

May 23:

Presenting at the graduation ceremony at Willowdene, Shropshire. An exemplary rehab unit.

May 24:

Widemarsh Children’s Centre to find out more about early years and children’s services in the county.

May 28:

Initial meeting with Gayle Good to enquire about veterans and servicemen family services and further employment.


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May 31:

Leominster Grange, (LARC Development Trust) helping them celebrate their 10th anniversary of a beautiful facility for community use.