I CONGRATULATE Jesse Norman and Ellie Chowns for winning their parliamentary seats.

I would like to pay tribute to Sir Bill Wiggin and thank him for his many years of public service in Herefordshire. I wish him all the best.

It was with great sadness that we all learned that Councillor Bob Matthews had passed away. Bob was a long-serving and dedicated councillor. I respected his independent spirit and his dedication to Herefordshire.

At the last Herefordshire Council meeting in May the council’s plan for 2024 to 2028 was approved. The vision of the plan is ‘Delivering the best for Herefordshire in everything we do’.

The plan provides the strategic framework for the council and outlines the priorities and objectives for the next four years. It sets out how the council’s resources and budgets are prioritised.

In developing the plan, nearly 1,000 people have been engaged through a range of events and targeted workshops throughout the county and through an online survey.


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    Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

    Through the development of the plan, four corporate priorities have been identified: people, place, growth and transformation.

    People: We will enable residents to realise their potential, to be healthy and to be part of great communities who support each other. We want all children to have the best start in life.

    Place: We will protect and enhance our environment and ensure that Herefordshire is a great place to live. We will support the right housing in the right place and do everything we can to improve the health of our rivers.

    Growth: We will create the conditions to deliver sustainable growth across the county; attracting inward investment, building business confidence, creating jobs, enabling housing development and provide the right infrastructure.

    Transformation: We will be an efficient council that embraces best practice, delivers innovation through technology and demonstrates value for money.

    All of these priorities will be delivered through monitored delivery plans.

    In the wake of the general election everyone will be wondering what a change in government will bring. In the coming months I will be working to ensure that the government is focused on helping us deliver the best for Herefordshire