ENTHUSIASTIC cricketers from a Herefordshire primary school are celebrating after their “outstanding performances”.

Teams from Eastnor Parochial Primary School were among around 40 schools to take part at the Herefordshire Dynamos Cricket Finals Day at the Herefordshire Cricket Centre on Thursday, June 27.

Part of the Diocese of Hereford Multi-Academy Trust, Eastnor Primary entered two teams, with both teams winning all of their qualifying games.

At the finals, the performances of both teams remained excellent, with the year 5/6 going on to become overall winners in their competition.


The year 3/4 team emerged victorious from matches against Kingstone and Riverside to reach the semi-finals, before meeting their match in a team from Stoke Prior. Nevertheless, the younger team can be proud of a brilliant third place.

Eastnor's Year 3 and 4 team celebrate their success!Eastnor's Year 3 and 4 team celebrate their success! (Image: Eastnor Parochial Primary School)

On finals day itself, Eastnor beat Stoke Prior Primary (126 runs to 66) in their first match, Ashperton Primary in the semi-finals (146-40) and then Wigmore Primary School in the grand final (113-61).

This achievement saw the team crowned as Herefordshire County Champions.

“What a fantastic day for our school!” said the school’s co-headteachers Mrs Driscoll and Mrs Tart.