A MAN has appeared in court accused of rape after a report saw police cordon off Hereford's Cathedral Close.

The area surrounding Hereford's historic cathedral was completely closed off by the police cordon on July 12, after police received a report that a woman had been raped in the area in the early hours of the morning.

Officers confirmed later that day that a man had been arrested on suspicion of rape, and it was announced on July 15 that he had been charged with one count of rape.

Christopher Filbrandt appeared before magistrates in Kidderminster on July 15 accused of two charges.

The court heard from prosecutor Lauren Millichip that the 31-year-old is accused of one count of raping a woman aged over 16 when she did not consent and when he did not reasonably believe that she was consenting. 

He is also accused of one count of intentionally strangling a woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons. 

Both offences are alleged to have taken place in Hereford on July 12.

The case was sent to Worcester Crown Court, where Filbrandt, of Eign Mill Road, Hereford, will appear for a plea and trial preparation hearing on August 12.