A plan to build five new homes in a garden off a Hereford street has been approved.

Jane Davies applied in November for planning permission to develop land behind her house in Highmore Street to the northwest of the city.

Her plan was for four three-bedroom semi-detached homes and one three-bedroom dormer bungalow, all accessed via an existing entrance onto the street, which would be widened.


The height of the semis was reduced and the layout and new junction with the road altered during the consultation process, while local residents raised no objections.

Planning officer Elsie Morgan considered the proposal, within the established residential area of Westfields, had “a clear relationship with existing development”.


The “modest” two- and three-bedroom homes “will provide a boost to housing delivery locally and make good use of a larger garden area in a locality where similar ‘backland’ developments have been permitted”, she concluded.

At Welsh Water’s request, a condition of the planning permission is that no surface water or land drainage from the site can be connected with the public sewerage network.

This will instead be channelled into on-site “rainwater gardens”, while the driveway and parking bays are to have permeable surfaces.