MAY I address your readers via the Hereford Times about foulmouthed abuse aimed at myself and no doubt other mobility scooter riders by ignorant motorists who seem to believe that mobility scooters are not allowed on roads.

Let me put the record straight.


There are at least three classes of mobility scooter. My scooter is class three, which allows me to ride on roads or pavements. I am fully insured and I am road taxed. I comply with all legal requirements so, when these idiots (especially the lady in the red car: you know who you are, but are by no means the only one) and shout obscene comments at me you can imagine how it makes me feel.

What are your thoughts?

You can send a letter to the editor to have your say by clicking here.

Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

So, whoever you all are, remember one thing. I and I assume others of class three are perfectly entitled to be on the road and I think you all need to bear in mind that I have to ride my scooter. It’s not an option.

And though I’m not wishing it on you, it might be the case that you end up on one one day.

