I have recently escorted a disabled person to the council office responsible for issuing “blue badges”.

The premises are on Blue School Street (a main road with no official stopping places).


When I enquired how I was to escort my passenger for her appointment, I was told the private car park adjacent to the offices was my only option, but no disabled space is provided. I was unable to find a parking space and subsequently risked parking on Catherine Street behind the office requiring my friend to walk about 150 yards to the entrance of the office.

What are your thoughts?

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Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

I understand she could have had a telephone appointment but this requires a photograph to be sent electronically which she is unable to do.

This is not a criticism of the council staff, who were kind and sympathetic to my concerns, but I am at a loss to understand why this process could not have been made easier by locating the office in a more accessible building and avoided the distress of a severely disabled individual.

