I am very grateful to Alan Wheatley for his kind words about me as a constituency MP, and still more for his recognition of the work of my team in helping hundreds of local people every year (Letters, July 11).

He is right to recognise my commitment since my first election in 2010 to campaigning positively and working cooperatively with others, whatever their political or other affiliations, to get the job done on behalf of local people.


But there is an important further point to be made, I think.

All too often, politicians today seek to create and then exploit waves of public anger for their own purposes, using social media to target, label and discredit their opponents.

This obliterates – indeed it is designed to obliterate – detail, context and mutual understanding. It increases political volatility, raises false hopes and undermines public trust. At its worst, it can fuel an atmosphere of personal abuse, and even potentially personal violence, as we have seen.

What are your thoughts?

You can send a letter to the editor to have your say by clicking here.

Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

A positive, civil and sympathetic approach to campaigning is not impossible even in this sound-bite age. It is the essential antidote to the present toxic politics – and it is often far more effective in remedying injustice and promoting vital change.


MP for Hereford and South Herefordshire