HEREFORDSHIRE is a proud farming county, breeding the renowned Hereford cattle and Ryeland sheep, but our council seem unaware of a highly poisonous weed on every verge and roundabout.

Ragwort, a tall weed with a multi-headed yellow flower, is highly poisonous to stock, particularly horses and cattle.


When eaten it attacks the animal's liver, leading to a slow, painful death.

In days gone by if farmers had ragwort growing on their farm they were fined. This law is still in place! Driving into the city along the A49 the verges are a sea of ragwort, and the Rotherwas roundabout is covered in this poisonous weed. Surely one or two councillors are country people or farmers and aware of the danger?

What are your thoughts?

You can send a letter to the editor to have your say by clicking here.

Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

The council urgently needs to eradicate this weed before seeds spread. Spraying or pulling up manually are the only solutions. So I beg the council to get active. Worcestershire and Gloucestershire have acted. No seas of yellow flowers are visible on their verges!

