A DRINK-DRIVER from Hereford has been sentenced and must attend rehabilitation for alcohol problems.

On June 21, Sanjoy Galal, 46, was said by prosecutor Lauren Millichip to have driven a vehicle while disqualified and over the alcohol limit.

Galal pleaded guilty to one count of driving while disqualified and one count of driving while above the alcohol limit.

The court heard that the 46-year-old had been caught out behind the wheel of a Vauxhall Astra in Venns Lane in Hereford.

He had 50 microgrammes of alcohol per 100 millilitres of breath and the limit is 35.


At a sentencing hearing in Hereford on July 16, Galal, of Green Street, was disqualified from driving for a further 18 months and ordered to attend rehabilitation appointments for six months with Hereford drug and alcohol addiction agency Turning Point. This will be for up to 30 days altogether.

He was ordered to pay prosecution costs of £85 and no victim surcharge was ordered.

Galal can reduce his driving ban by 18 weeks if he completes a course.