A TEENAGE drink-driver from Hereford was caught out behind the wheel while over the alcohol limit.

Jade Spencer was banned from driving for 17 months by magistrates in Hereford after entering a guilty plea to one count of driving while over the alcohol limit this month.

The court heard from prosecutor Lauren Millichip that the 19-year-old was caught on the A465 at Burley Gate in a Vauxhall Corsa while over the drink-drive limit in February.

She was breathalysed and was found to have 71 microgrammes of alcohol per 100 millilitres of breath. The limit is 35.


Spencer, of Grosmont Grove, was banned for 17 months and fined £250, with her guilty plea taken into account by magistrates.

She must also pay £85 in court costs, with no victim surcharge ordered to be paid to support victims of crime.

She has the opportunity to reduce her ban by 17 weeks if she completes a course.