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A HEREFORDSHIRE drug-driver who appeared to fall asleep in the courtroom has been handed a rehabilitation order.

Christopher Mitchell seemingly dozed off at his court appearance in Hereford on June 12 as his defence solicitor Chris Read explained to magistrates: “He is struggling to stay awake”.

In a sentencing hearing on July 16, Mitchell was handed a nine-month drug rehabilitation order supported by Turning Point in Hereford. He must also attend up to 30 days of rehabilitation activities with a probation officer or someone else nominated by them over the next 18 months.

Mitchell was also handed a driving ban for 18 months and told to pay a £50 fine.

His guilty plea was taken into account by magistrates when they imposed this sentence.

Mitchell entered a guilty plea at his first court appearance last month, but appeared to fall asleep just minutes into the hearing with his head on the table in front of him while prosecutor Beth Owen spoke.

Ms Owen said Mitchell was stopped by police officers at 1pm on November 21 last year as part of an unrelated traffic stop in Kingsway, Hereford.

He was tested for drugs, and the blood test came back showing 21 microgrammes of cocaine per litre of blood. The limit is 10.


The blood test also revealed the presence of other drugs, namely diazepam and THC, however these were under the legal driving limit.

The court heard that Mitchell is “in very very poor health” and was taking diazepam on prescription.

The 43-year-old of Old Road, Bromyard, was also ordered to pay prosecution costs of £85 and a victim surcharge of £114.