A HEREFORDSHIRE woman was found dead after police forced entry to her home, the county's coroner has said. 

The alarm had been raised about Nicola Jane Lacey, who lived alone in rural Herefordshire, after she failed to turn up to work or notify anyone that she would not be in on December 30, 2022, Herefordshire coroner Mark Bricknell said in a prevention of future deaths report.

A member of staff at the healthcare organisation where Ms Lacey worked attended her address and called police when she got no answer at the door.


Police forced entry and found Ms Lacey, who had a responsible position in healthcare and had recently separated from a partner, along with a note identifying her intentions, the coroner said.

An inquest was opened into the death on January 13, 2023, with the inquest concluding with a verdict of suicide at Hereford Town Hall on June 12 this year.

But now the coroner has warned that matters giving rise to concern had been revealed during the inquest, and that there is a risk that future deaths will occur unless action has been taken.

Mr Bricknell said procedures concerning the appropriate disclosure of a colleague's ongoing mental health difficulties for the benefit of both the person concerned and the safety of the wider public should be clear and known to employers.

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