A HEREFORDSHIRE sewage works are set to receive a staggering sum from a new Welsh Water investment scheme.

The utility company have invested an enormous £6.5 million in a project to upgrade the wastewater treatment works it owns and operates in Clyro, Herefordshire, with work having begun in early 2024.


Welsh Water say the treatment works already treat the wastewater it receives from the surrounding area to a high standard, but the planned upgrades will see the gravity fed process further enhanced by new screening and dosing methods, the replacement of final treatment tanks, and an increase of the work’s treatment capacity.

The upgrade work, taking place within the boundary of the treatment works in Hereford, should be completed and actively improving the quality of treated waste entering the water course by the end of spring 2025.

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Welsh Water’s senior project manager, Andrew Davies, said: “As a company, we are committed to ensuring we protect the environment that is in our care, and that includes the watercourses we interact with.

“We always aim to let our customers know what we are doing and when we are working in their community, so we have provided them with information regarding the work and further updates will be shared on our webpage. 

“We appreciate that this kind of work can sometimes cause inconveniences, and we will do all we can to keep this to a minimum.  We would like to thank the community for bearing with us whilst we undertake these essential works,” said Mr Davies.