A WOMAN has made an application to make her caravan "lawful" after it was damaged in a storm.

Gwyneth Prosser is seeking a certificate of lawfulness for the caravan at Lower Garn Farm in Hunthouse Lane, Longtown, which had work done on it in 1998 without valid planning permission.

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Mrs Prosser and her husband had been living in a caravan on the property since 1987, but it was hit by "extensive damage" in a storm in 1998, which "ripped up" the roof. The Prossers hired a builder to replace the roof, enclose the caravan in a cavity wall, and install an extension.

Although the work was completed without valid planning permission, Mrs Prosser claims she is immune from enforcement action due to the amount of time since the work was completed.


The planning statement from agent Tompkins Thomas says: "The development is lawful on the basis that the works were carried out more than 10 years ago. The dwelling was occupied continuously and without material break for a period of time in excess of 10 years."

She is no longer living at the property, now residing at a care home in Hereford.

The consultation on the application has begun and will finish on August 7. The council's target determination date on the matter is September 6.