AN OLD photograph posted to the Hereford Times' We Grew Up in Hereford group shows how this famous city landscape has changed since the 1980s.

The photo was posted by Mike King and shows the view from a riverside footpath towards the Old Bridge and the Cathedral, taking in the river view.

He said: "Another image that I apparently took back in the '80s, long before the Left Bank appeared on to the scene."

The image shows how the landscape in this part of the city has changed since it was taken in the 1980s.

A notable feature of the old photograph is the presence of Mead and Tomkinson, a motorcycle and car dealership, years before the Left Bank development was constructed.

Mead and Tomkinson was run by a family who built and fielded motorcycles for iconic races such as the Isle of Man TT and the Le Mans Bol D’Or.

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Mead and Tomkinson closed in the late 1990s and was demolished. A high-end leisure complex was built shortly after, opening to customers in 2000.

The bar and restaurant complex overlooking the river endured a chequered history after its founder Dr Albert Heijn sold the business in 2007.

It resulted in the venue shutting in 2009 before a second effort to make the business work saw it close suddenly before Christmas the following year.

Then owners, Nottingham-based Bramcote Holdings, placed it on the open market with a guide price of £1.25million in 2013, and the site remained closed until 2014, when it was bought by Cathedral View Investments. It was reopened under new leaseholders, the Waring family, later that year.


The Left Bank is home to popular cafe De Koffie Pot as well as Floodgates Bar, River Terrace, Charles' Bar and Speakeasy, and accommodation in Gwynne House.

It also hosts events including classes and clubs, comedy nights and Christmas parties. Space can be booked for weddings, birthday parties, wakes, christenings, hen parties and more.

The photo also offers a clear view of Hereford Cathedral over the Old Bridge.