RIVER management was carried out for hundreds of years by local independent river management entities (Rebel’s action: your views, July 4).

There was little or no flooding problem. The exceptions being some giant flood plains such as Worcester.


We signed an agreement with Europe to stop dredging (England is a very hilly country, Europe is largely flat).

All the local river management authorities were close down to be replaced by a quango in London. Utter madness.

What are your thoughts?

You can send a letter to the editor to have your say by clicking here.

Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

I submitted a dissertation over many pages with facts and figures to my MP. He said that he would advise me of progress. Did he? No. There has been no progress. This dissertation was submitted prior to lockdown. I haven’t heard a word since, and he has lost his seat anyway.

It is disgusting that an English man has been jailed for dredging.

English rivers need to be dredged! End of.

