I am writing in response to the July 18 article about the charging of the man accused of rape and assault in Hereford (Cathedral rape accused in court appearance) and the shocking news of another rape in Ross on Wye (online: Man arrested on suspicion of rape in Herefordshire town, July 22).

Herefordshire Women’s Equality Group express their deep concern. Our thoughts are with the victims of these horrific crimes. We stand in solidarity with them and all impacted by news of the assaults.


Regardless of age or gender, we are all at risk of these attacks, but statistically more women and girls are at risk of sexual violence than men and boys. The vast majority of rapes are committed by men.

Rape and sexual assault in a public place rightly makes headlines attracting public attention, but we should remember that the majority of sexual offences are perpetrated behind closed doors. Half of rapes against women are carried out by a partner or ex-partner, most carried out by someone known to the woman.

What are your thoughts?

You can send a letter to the editor to have your say by clicking here.

Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

We encourage those impacted by any sexual violence at any time in their lives to seek support from local specialist services. Visit www.wmrsasc.org.uk and www.theglade.org.uk for more information and to get help.

We ask anyone who wishes to work with us to prevent sexual violence, to join our campaign to end male violence against women and girls.


Herefordshire Women’s Equality Group