I am writing to voice my concern over the rising attacks on women and girls (Cathedral rape accused in court appearance, July 18 and online: Man arrested on suspicion of rape in Herefordshire town, July 22).

We have all heard the horrendous stories of sexual assaults by men over the past couple of years and it seems to only be getting worse, what is being done to help prevent and deter these attacks?

What are your thoughts?

You can send a letter to the editor to have your say by clicking here.

Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

I am currently a serving nurse at the county hospital and have to park in the city centre. On my way back to my car after a late shift, I was followed by a man from the hospital grounds which only heightened my anxiety, seeking refuge in a fast food outlet before ensuring he’d gone.


After this incident I notified the authorities and was shocked to discover there is no CCTV covering any outside area of the hospital.

Given that CCTV was installed on the river path after attacks on women, are authorities waiting for an attack before installing CCTV at the hospital?

