I am delighted, honoured and humbled to have been elected as the Green MP for North Herefordshire.

I’d like to thank every single voter who put their trust in me. I’d also like to thank every single person who voted, whoever you voted for, for taking part in our democracy.

I promise to work my socks off for you all, to take your concerns to Westminster, to serve you locally, and to do everything I can to be a champion for our wonderful constituency.

I said repeatedly during the campaign that politics is all about teamwork. It really is. Hundreds of people got involved in my campaign, and gave so much of their time, energy and commitment. And so many said how much they enjoyed it, because it has helped them connect with others in their community, and feel a sense of hope. I’m so glad.

I want our politics to work better, to be more positive, and I will keep working for this in Westminster as well as locally.

I take my responsibilities as your new MP incredibly seriously. Since the election I’ve been working flat out to hit the ground running.

Within a week, I ran my first constituency surgery (in Bromyard), and I’ve put together a team of excellent local staff to help me respond to the many casework emails I’ve been receiving.

Following the King’s Speech on Wednesday, I’ve been attending as much as possible of the debates in the Chamber, so that I can listen and learn and contribute.

And on Thursday I made my maiden speech in the House, in which I extolled the virtues of North Herefordshire, and emphasised the themes that I plan to prioritise in Westminster: renewing our economy, repairing our NHS, and restoring our rivers.

I’ll be engaging in detail with the new Bills announced in the King’s Speech, as well as working proactively on the issues that really matter locally, such as river pollution and funding for local services.


What are your thoughts?

You can send a letter to the editor to have your say by clicking here.

Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

I’m very keen to keep voters updated on everything I’m doing. I’m writing a weekly email update; you can subscribe here: https://elliechowns.org.uk/ updates/. You can also follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (@EllieChowns). And please write to ellie.chowns.mp@ parliament.uk to raise issues or to book a constituency surgery appointment. Thank you!