AN ATTACKER who assaulted a paramedic and a police officer has been handed a community order.

Lauren Holland entered guilty pleas to one count of assault by beating of an emergency worker, one count of common assault of an emergency worker, one count of assault by beating and one count of using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour with intent to cause fear of or provoke unlawful violence.


The court heard from prosecutor Sarah Hurd that the 40-year-old, of Pomona Place, Hereford, had assaulted a paramedic and a police officer who were acting in the course of their duties in an incident in Hereford on June 7. The other assault by beating charge was against another person who was not said to be an emergency worker.

Holland was handed an 18-month community order for the offence, with magistrates in Kidderminster saying that they had taken her guilty plea to the charges into account, but that the penalty had been increased because the offences were committed against emergency workers.

She was also ordered to pay £100 in compensation to each of the workers. She was not ordered to pay prosecution costs or a victim surcharge to allow payment of compensation to take priority.