A HEREFORD driver attacked a police officer after being caught driving a van with a dodgy seatbelt and fuel filler cap.

James Smith pleaded guilty to one count of using a motor vehicle in a condition likely to cause danger of injury, one count of using a motor vehicle with equipment likely to cause danger of injury, and one count of assault by beating of an emergency worker before magistrates in Hereford in July.

The court heard from the prosecutor that the 31-year-old had been caught out driving a Ford Transit in Ledbury Road, Hereford, on May 17.

Checks revealed that the fuel filler cap was not fitted to prevent the spill of diesel and the driver’s seatbelt housing was defective preventing its use.

Smith then attacked a police constable by beating him.


Smith, of Clehonger, was fined £100 for the driving offences and £291 for beating the police officer.

He was ordered by the court to pay £50 in compensation to the officer and a £156 victim surcharge, which is used to help fund services supporting victims.

He was also handed three penalty points on his driving record.