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A COMPANY director from Hereford who was caught drink-driving has been banned from the roads and ordered to attend alcohol rehabilitation.

On May 16, Martin Corns, who is known for running Hereford Food Festival, was said by prosecutor Nadine Mathurasingh to have driven a vehicle, namely an Audi A4, while over the alcohol limit in Belmont Road in Hereford.

Corns, 45, pleaded guilty to one count of driving while over the alcohol limit.

He had 99 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath, exceeding the limit which is 35.

Corns is one of the directors of Big Bull Events, a Hereford-based company that ran last year’s Hereford Food Festival. The festival was criticised by several food traders as a “shambles” that caused “devastation” to local businesses. Shortly after the festival, a spokesperson for Big Bull Events admitted that “mistakes were made” but said “the majority of feedback was positive.”


At a sentencing hearing in Hereford on July 24, Corns, of Broad Street, Hereford, was disqualified from driving for 48 months and ordered to attend rehabilitation appointments for six months with Hereford drug and alcohol addiction agency Turning Point.

He must comply with the instructions of a probation officer and participate in up to 15 days of rehabilitation activities in this time.

He was ordered to pay a fine of £50, prosecution costs of £85 and a victim surcharge of £114.

Corns can reduce his driving ban by 48 weeks if he completes a drink-driving awareness course.