A DRIVER from Hereford has been banned from the roads after failing to undergo a blood test.

Rhys Hull appeared for sentencing on July 24 after pleading guilty to one count of failing to provide a specimen.

The court heard Hull had failed to cooperate with a blood test without reasonable excuse in Hereford on May 19.

The 32-year-old, of Broad Oak, Hereford, was disqualified from driving for 20 months and fined £100. He must also pay costs of £85 and a £114 victim surcharge.


He has been ordered to undergo alcohol rehabilitation treatment with Turning Point for six months and to attend up to 15 days of appointments with the probation service as part of an 18-month community order imposed by magistrates.

If he completes a drink-drive awareness course by September 2025, he will be able to reduce his driving ban by 20 weeks.

Magistrates said his guilty plea was taken into account at the sentencing hearing, at which he was represented by defence solicitor Chris Read.