The Blue Badge is one of the most important things for many people to have on hand. 

The government issued document allows those eligible to park closer to their destination by placing the badge in their car window.

There are specific criteria to meet to be eligible for a blue badge including being registered blind, receiving a War Pensioners’ Mobility Supplement or receiving a higher rate of the mobility component. 

While the badge does allow you to park closer to a destination, there have been questions about whether it can be used to park on yellow lines. 

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Can you park on yellow lines with a blue badge?

According to the government blue badge document, anyone with a blue badge can park on single or double yellow lines for up to 3 hours if there isn’t a ban on loading.

However, they add that you must first check to see what the rules are when you are parking and you have to use your blue parking clock.

You can return to the parking space, but you have to wait for at least 1 hour before you go back and park there again.

Where can you not park if you have a blue badge?

But, if the road with yellow lines is on any of the following criteria you cannot park there as they are rules set out by the Highway Code:

You cannot park:

  • Where there is a ban on loading or unloading
  • Where parking is only for certain people - like the people who live or work there
  • Places where people are allowed to cross the road
  • Clearways - roads where stopping is not allowed 16
  • Bus stops
  • School ‘keep clear’ areas
  • Bus, tram or cycle lanes
  • Blue Badge holders cannot drive in bus lanes during their hours of operation
  • Where there are double white lines in the middle of the road
  • Where there is a parking meter but it is out of use
  • Where there are ‘no-waiting’ cones

You must also make sure when parking with a blue badge that it is not dangerous, holds up traffic, stops emergent vehicles, be on a pavement or stop somebody in a wheelchair from crossing the road where a kerb is lowered.

What is the correct way to display a Blue Badge?

Blue Badge holders must display the badge on the dashboard or facia panel so it can be read through the front windscreen.

If there is no dashboard or facia panel in your vehicle, you must display the badge in a place where it can be clearly read from outside the vehicle.


What are the rules for Blue Badges in England? Your rights and responsibilities

Can you park anywhere if you have a blue badge? The rules and regulations

The front of the badge needs to face upwards showing the hologram and the side showing the photograph should not be visible through the windscreen.

Plus, you must also ensure that the details on the front of the badge remain legible, if they become unreadable through fading or wear and tear, you must return the badge to your local council so they can issue you with a new one. 

If you display a badge that is illegible it may result in a parking fine.