PLANS for a new bull statue in a prominent Hereford spot have sparked anger among locals, with several objections registered.

Mitchells & Butler, which owns steak restaurant chain Miller & Carter submitted plans to install a bull statue in Hereford's Old Market to Herefordshire Council last month.

The application says the business wants to install an aluminium bull sculpture on a Brazilian slate-clad concrete base within the boundary of the external seating area to the front of the city's Miller & Carter restaurant. 


The installation will involve the lifting and relaying of existing paving slabs to facilitate the trenching of an electrical cable to allow for the installation of lighting to the base of the sculpture, the application said.

But the design, which appears to have Spanish influence rather than being a nod to Hereford's world-famous cattle, has not gone down well with locals, with several objecting to the plans.

The proposed statue for Miller & Carter in Hereford (Image: NTS/Herefordshire Council (from application))

Objector Victoria Stephenson of Ledbury pointed out that the company "states on their website that the breeds of cattle they use at the restaurants are either Hereford, Charolais, Limousin, Aberdeen Angus, Belgian Blue or Blonde Aquataine", but that the statue is more Spanish in form and presentation.

The company "should offer a statue that represents the city it is located in, and celebrate the noble Hereford breed of cattle", she said.

Ms Stephenson also questioned the "huge oversight" in the proposed use of Brazilian slate when Welsh slate is available nearby.

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Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

Fellow objector Gay Cross of Hereford said the statue would be "so ugly" and that a "fighting bull is not appropriate at all", while Pippa Hart, also of Hereford, said the Spanish fighting bull design is not relevant to the area, a comment echoed by Hereford's Eleanor Richardson's objection that it is not in keeping with the area's heritage.

And Ann Davies of Withington called on the business to show "some compassion" and remember a very special place in Herefordshire history, branding the application as being "in very poor taste".

Anyone wishing to comment on the application (number P241785/F), should do so before August 22.